Grant High School's Constitution Team needs your help!

Irvington Neighborhood families!
As former Irvington School parents we know that you sometimes wonder where all this learning, friendship and joy that is engendered and built in the Irvington School community is taking your children. Although we have been fortunate (but not unusual!) to have seen and benefited from the many positive outcomes of the education our children received at Irvington School one exciting and unanticipated recent outcome we are a part of seemed to warrant sharing.
Six former Irvington School students, friends and acquaintances since Kindergarten, are part of the national title-defending Constitution Team at Grant High School. Part of a team of 29 students Irvington neighborhood residents Ellie Corser, Caroline Williams, Kate Tandberg,  Noah Cooke, Liam and Fischer Jemison will head to Washington DC in April to participate in the national “We the People” competition;
The competition simulates a congressional hearing with the judges assessing the depth of understanding of the concepts and implications of the Constitution. What these participants are learning will serve as a solid foundation for their roles as both citizen and possibly civic leaders in the years ahead.
These former Irvington students (and their Alameda, Sabin, Beverly Cleary alumni teammates) could use all our help in getting there. The students are charged with raising nearly half the total cost of this $65,000.00 trip.
These students and we parents appreciate your consideration in supporting these and the other scholars. All donations are fully tax deductible and you can donate online at
Nathan Corser, former Irvington School parent and your neighbor


Tiffanie Shakespeare